
Category: Double Flanged Technique

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Pinhole Implant for Management of Irregular Astigmatism

Dear Members of Dr. CANABRAVA’s International Virtual FELLOWSHIP Program 2024, In this article, we will explore the topic of our last fellowship talk, held on July 15, 2024, regarding the…

Pinhole Implant for Management of Irregular Astigmatism

Dear Members of Dr. CANABRAVA’s International Virtual FELLOWSHIP Program 2024, In this article, we will explore the topic of our last fellowship talk, held on July 15, 2024, regarding the…

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Double Flanged Technique

Double Flanged Security Test

DOUBLE FLANGED TESTS by my good friend Dr Tom Oetting @cataract.surgery and Mathew Benage. Amazing test to show how the 5.0 polypropylene is stable!!  Ver essa foto

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Double Flanged Technique

Externalized Flanged

SOLVING THE FLANGED EXTRUSION IN THE CANABRAVA’S TECHNIQUE When you start your learning curve in the “Canabrava’s Technique”, it is common to be afraid of

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Double Flanged Technique

Solving internalized flanged

SOLVING LATE INTERNALIZED FLANGED This video was presented in the European Journal Paper and reports the first occurrence of a late internalized flange due to

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