
Category: Posterior Capsular Rupture Management

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Pinhole Implant for Management of Irregular Astigmatism

Dear Members of Dr. CANABRAVA’s International Virtual FELLOWSHIP Program 2024, In this article, we will explore the topic of our last fellowship talk, held on July 15, 2024, regarding the…

Pinhole Implant for Management of Irregular Astigmatism

Dear Members of Dr. CANABRAVA’s International Virtual FELLOWSHIP Program 2024, In this article, we will explore the topic of our last fellowship talk, held on July 15, 2024, regarding the…

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Posterior Capsular Rupture Management

IOL Capture in PCR

This post shows: – A patient with IOL OPTIC CAPTURED post phacoemulsification in Morgagnian Cataract; – Example drawing;– Rhexis size example;– Three piece IOL recommended

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Posterior Capsular Rupture Management

Capsular Rupture

It is a patient with posterior polar cataract. During the plaque removing… Capsule Rupture! What to do? 1. OVD to avoid vitreous loss;2. 26g needle

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